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Thank you for your support!

Rich Biddleman

1981 - Football, Lacrosse

Phil & Jeanne Carbone

1983 - Football, Baseball; 1989

Cathy Clancy

1981 - Volleyball

Sean Conklin

1995 - Wrestling

Brian Connolly

1986 - Basketball, Baseball, Golf

Joyce & Chris Falborn

1981 - Track

Andrea Hauser


Jean Healy

1985 Basketball, Volleyball

Rita Keahon (Saxton)

1983 - Track, Soccer, X-Country

Rich & Allison Kern

1985 - Baseball & Football,

1985 - Soccer, Track & Cheerleading

Kevin Mackin

2016 - Basketball & Baseball


​Nancy & Chris MacRobbie

1981 - Nancy Soccer/Track

1981 - Chris Football/Baseball

Nick Mason

Kathi & Greg Mooney 

Melissa & Jaime Merritt

1993 - Girls Soccer

1993 - Football & Baseball

Vincent Pacella

1976 - Soccer & Lacrosse

Lisa Plunkett

1991 - Tennis, Cheer & Lacrosse

Dave Powers

1976 - Soccer, Basketball & Track

Rosemarie Russo (Swoboda)

1986 - Girls Basketball

Mary Catherine Ryan (O'Loughlin)

1988 - Soccer, Basketball, Softball

Robert Spilotras

1989 - Football

Honorary Lifetime Members

1960's Olympic Gymnasts
Abie Grossfeld
Doris Fuchs-Brause
Don Tonry (deceased)
Barbara Galleher Tonry

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